Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Complete Look

It has always been interesting to me some people can speak so persuasively and captivate an  audience; when others are scared, timid and can not get a word out of their mouth when facing one, ten or a room full of people. Which one are you?  Can you brave any thing, or would you rather walk on fire-hot coals than present anything to anyone?

In my experience, it has been poople who do not believe in themselves that have trouble presenting ideas to others.  It is so important to believe in yourself.  In any type of business, it is important to know how to make a formal presentation because if you haven't done it yet, you will. And, I promise you that you don't want your audience to look like this -

One way to avoid this embarrassing moment and to believe in yourself is by making sure that you have the "complete look" on the outside. The Complete Look includes the following -
  • Hair
  • Face
  • Clothing 
  • Shoes
Over the next few weeks I'll be going in depth regarding each individual aspect of the Complete Look.  Once you have the complete look, you will automatically feel better about yourself and this will allow for you to present your ideas more clearly and confidently. In turn, your audience (of however many) will believe in you as well. Therefore, with the complete look your presentation should go something like this

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dump the Frump

I have been lucky to work with a strategic, fashionable group of HR Professionals. So, over the past week, I have had the privilege of attending a few HR Seminars, and to be honest I had forgotten about the HR Professionals beyond my work group.  These seminars always go the same way, walk into the room full of excitement and energy to learn something new and helpful........then BAM your hit in the face with reality.  The reality is (and I'm sorry to say) that HR Professionals are a frumpy group!

I'm sorry, but a frumpy group brings down the excitement level from fireworks to mothballs.

I know what your thinking: "It shouldn't matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you are a professional on the inside."  While this may have some truth, it is also true that if you don't look the part you will be instantly discredited and have to work twice as hard to be taken seriously.

Over this past weekend, I had the opportunity to meet a very inspirational speaker.  In her speech, she spoke about a young girl who had a wonderful, sparkly personality, but you would never have known it by looking at her because her mother dressed her in a plain gray t-shirt.  This struck a cord with me.  HR Professionals need to get out of the gray!

If HR Professionals continue to present a frumpy, gray exterior, then the rest of the organization will think of HR as old-school and frumpy.  Lets dump the frump people!  

I challenge HR Professionals to leave the gray with the mothballs!  Let's move forward and prove to people that HR is a with-the-times, strategic business partner.